Daily Codewars #2019-03-06


문제링크 : [8 kyu]DNA to RNA Conversion

Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA is the primary information storage molecule in biological systems. It is composed of four nucleic acid bases Guanine (‘G’), Cytosine (‘C’), Adenine (‘A’), and Thymine (‘T’).

Ribonucleic acid, RNA, is the primary messenger molecule in cells. RNA differs slightly from DNA its chemical structure and contains no Thymine. In RNA Thymine is replaced by another nucleic acid Uracil (‘U’).

Create a funciton which translates a given DNA string into RNA.

For example:

new Bio().dnaToRna("GCAT") // returns "GCAU"

The input string can be of arbitrary length - in particular, it may be empty. All input is guaranteed to be valid, i.e. each input string will only ever consist of 'G', 'C', 'A' and/or 'T'.

My Solution

public class Bio {
    public String dnaToRna(String dna) {
        return dna.replace("T", "U");

너무 쉬운데…7 kyu를 해야할려나…

@bekh6ex Solution

public class Bio{
    public String dnaToRna(String dna){
        return dna.replace("T", "U");

replace가 하나만 나꾸는줄 알았는데 다 바뀐다는걸 알게 되었다. 오늘 회사 업무에서도 replace로 전체를 다 바꾸는 소스를 봤었는데 다시 한번 알게 되었다.

@free_sBaitso Solution

public class Bio {
    public String dnaToRna(String dna) {
      String str = dna.replaceAll("T","U");
      return str;  // Do your magic!

나와 동일하다.
