Daily Codewars #2019-03-02


문제링크 : [8 kyu]Adults only (SQL for Beginners #1)

In your application, there is a section for adults only. You need to get a list of names and ages of users from the users table, who are 18 years old or older.

users table schema

name age NOTE: Your solution should use pure SQL. Ruby is used within the test cases to do the actual testing.

This kata is part of a collection of SQL challenges for beginners. You can take the rest of the challenges here!

My Solution

SELECT name, ageFROM usersWHERE age >= 18

@jalaniz1 Solution

SELECT name, age FROM users WHERE age >= 18;

여러 코드들이 나와 이유저와 비슷하게 쿼리를 짰다.
